
What Does 200 Calories Look Like?

Posted by Roxane Lamb – What Does 200 Calories Look Like by wisegeek via neapolitanblog #Infographic #Weightloss

10 Weight Loss Tricks

1. Deep Freeze

Once meal prep is over, serve yourself a reasonable portion, then package up the rest and stash it in the fridge or freezer for a later date. When the food is out of sight, studies show you’ll be less likely to reach for a second helping .

2. Wait Before Grabbing Seconds

The quicker we shovel down a meal, the less time we give our bodies to register fullness . Since it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to get the message that dinner’s been served, it’s best to go for a walk or play cards before dishing up seconds or tackling the dessert table.

3. Snack Before Dining

Grabbing an apple or a small cup of yogurt before meeting friends for dinner can help ensure you’ll eat a reasonable amount of that enormous entrée (rather than overdo it). And be sure to reach for the protein—research shows that an afternoon snack of Greek yogurt can lead to reduced hunger, increased fullness, and less eating come dinner time .

4. Sneak in the Veggies

Bumping up vegetable consumption has long been recognized as a way to protect against obesity . Add veggies to an omelet to cut down on cheese, use them in baked goods, and pasta dishes (Bonus: Try zucchini ribbons, or spaghetti squash instead). Pump pureed veggies, like pumpkin, into oatmeal or casseroles. Adding a little vegetable action into a meal or snack will increase fiber levels, which helps make us fuller, faster .

5. Turn Off the Tube

Eating while watching television is linked to poor food choices and overeating . Getting sucked into the latest episode of Snooki and JWoww can bring on mindless eating and it can be easy to lose track of just how many chips we’ve just thrown down the hatch. It’s not just the mindlessness of watching televsion that’ll get us. Commercials for unhealthy foods and drinks may increase our desire for low-nutrient junk, fast food, and sugary beverages.

6. Turn Your Back on Temptation

The closer we’re situated to a food that’s in our line of vision, chances are the more we’ll actually eat of it . If we face away from food that might tempt us when we’re not all that hungry (like an office candy bowl), we may be more likely to listen to cues from our gut rather than our eyes.

7. Hands Off

When snack time hits, our brains can be pretty unreliable. It’s tempting to reach for a bag of chips, but instead, grab a handful (or measure out the serving size) then seal the bag up and put it away. Odds are, you’ll be more mindful of how much you’re polishing off when you see it right in front of you. And next time there’s a between-meal tummy rumble, try a healthy, satisfying 100-calorie snack.

8. Pack the Protein

Protein can help promote a healthy weight because high protein diets are associated with greater satiety, plus it’s important for healthy muscle growth . Animal sources aren’t the only option—try alternatives like quinoa, tempeh, and lentils.

9. Fill Up on Fiber

Eating more vegetables and other high-fiber items like legumes can help keep us fuller, longer . Look for at least five grams or more of the stuff per serving. Snack on high-fiber picks like stuffed baked apples or jazzed up oats.

10. Make Room for (Healthy) Fats

Cutting butter and oil can slash calories, and it’s easy to swap in foods like applesauce, avocado, banana, or flax for baking. But, it’s important to remember that we still need fat in our diets as a source of energy and to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Plus it helps us feel full. Get healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats from avocadoes, olive oil, nuts, coconuts, seeds, and fish . Bonus tip: Combining fat with fiber has been shown to increase fat’s power to make us feel full .

No Need For A Detox Diet
Posted by ANNETTE HAMLIN – Never need to do a detox diet if you incorporate these foods into your normal diet. #Weightloss #Detox

Detoxing your body can do more for your body than just put a glow on your face or help you shed some pounds. The main purpose of following a detox diet is to take the load off organs that detoxify your body and help them function better.
Following a detox diet also prevents chronic diseases, enhances the function of your immune system, slows premature aging, provides mental and emotional clarity, and increases energy. Moreover, eliminating toxins and feeding your body healthy nutrients isn’t difficult!
If you’re ready to begin detoxing your body, here are ten foods you should include in your diet.

Heart Cleansers
#1 Wild Salmon
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which help protect the heart and reduce triglyceride levels in the blood. These anti-inflammatory healthy fats are also known to reverse arterial stiffness, which is a common side-effect of smoking.

#2 Spinach
This leafy vegetable is an essential detox food your heart. Spinach is rich in vitamins A and C- both antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body, thereby keeping cholesterol levels in check. Spinach also has folate which keeps the cardiovascular system healthy and magnesium that helps lower blood pressure.

Liver Cleansers
#3 Lemon
Being a citrus fruit, lemons are loaded with vitamin C, which is essential to the body in several ways. Among other uses, vitamin C is needed to make glutathione- a powerful antioxidant that detoxifies the liver, in addition to enhancing the immune system and neutralizing free radicals. Lemon also increases the production of bile which is necessary for digestion. At the same time, lemon juice controls the flow of excess bile into the digestive tract, thereby preventing the formation of ulcers. Further, drinking lemon infused water or lemon juice first thing in the morning balances out the acidity of foods consumed the previous day. Lemon juice contains anti-cancer compounds and helps maintain the body’s pH levels too.

#4 Artichokes
This wonder vegetable, which is actually a flower bud, helps the liver function at its best by promoting the production of bile. Artichokes are also able to protect the liver owing to the presence of silymarin- a phenol compound. In addition, artichoke leaves are rich in anti-cancer polyphenols and also have anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.

Kidney Cleansers
#5 Kale
Kale is packed with antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is highly recommended by doctors to patients with kidney-related diseases. In addition to flushing out kidneys, kale also is a nutrient-dense food, so you should eat it as often as you can.

#6 Basil
This full-of-flavor herb is a great addition to soups, salads, grilled vegetables, and a lot other dishes. What’s more, it is rich in antioxidants and has anti-bacterial properties! Basil also expels unwanted toxins out of the body by supporting the functioning of the kidneys and acting as a diuretic.

Digestive System Cleansers
#7 Whole Grains
Whole grains such as brown and wild rice, quinoa, and steel-cut oats are complex carbohydrates that are rich in soluble as well as insoluble fiber. The high fiber content ensures regular bowel movement, thereby helping you eliminate body waste efficiently. Apart from this, fiber-rich grains also reduce the risk of colon cancer, and gastrointestinal disorders like duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, reflux, and diverticulitis.

#8 Fresh Fruits
Fresh fruits are among the most effective foods that can cleanse your digestive system. That’s because almost all fruits contain ample amounts of fiber that aids digestion. Fresh fruits are also rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that can nourish the body and help detoxify it. Some fruits that are great cleansers are apples, blueberries, cranberries, avocado, and grapefruit.

Overall Body Cleansers
#9 Beetroot
A single serving of this delicious root vegetable can work wonders for your whole body. Beetroots contain abundant phytochemicals and minerals that help fight infection, purify the blood, and cleanse vital organs. They also boost the body’s intake of oxygen at the cellular level, making them an excellent overall body cleanser. Additionally, eating beetroots regularly can help fight cancer, boost the functioning of the brain, reduce arthritic pain, and more.

#10 Cabbage
This cruciferous vegetable helps cleans the liver and also acts as a diuretic, flushing toxins out of your body. Cabbages also contain sulfur that helps break down toxins so that they can be eliminated easily.

Now that you know about these ten amazing detox foods, what are you waiting for? Get started on your detox diet right away! Just make sure you don’t follow fads blindly; a detox diet will benefit you only if you do it right. So eat healthy, take your detox diet slow at first, and you’re sure to bring the balance back into your life by helping your body function as well as it can.

Can You Improve Your Brain?

Posted by Jenna Freimark – Here are some tips on how to keep your #brain healthy. #mentalhealth #healthytips

Brain Boosters: Foods That Can Help Improve Your Intelligence, Alertness, Focus, And Memory

When it comes to your brain, there’s always room for improvement. One can never be too smart, too witty, nor full of too many useless facts. Still, all the effort needed to acquire such abilities is rather tiring. If only we could eat a food that would instantly transform us into geniuses. Well, until scientists develop this magic cuisine, here are a few foods that may help out a bit with your brain’s strength.


No one ever started their day wishing that they were less smart. Colleges make billions by promising hopeful 18-year-olds that four years at their institutions will make them more intelligent than the rest of the population. Little do they know that similar results could be achieved by simply consuming…dark chocolate? In a study conducted by Northumbria University in England, students performed better on simple math tests after drinking shakes chock full of cocoa, Fox News reported. It’s not that dark chocolate makes you “smarter” but it does help the knowledge you already have shine through a bit better. The flavonol in dark chocolate boosts the circulatory system, increasing the amount of blood that reaches your brain, according to Fox News. This ultimately increases brain functions which would explain why test scores can improve after a quick chocolaty snack.


When you’re feeling sluggish, you may be tempted to grab a coffee or candy bar for a quick pick me up. Although these foods will give you an instant energy boost, it’s often short lived and the later crash can leave you worse off. Vitamin E filled almonds may offer a more effective alternative. These are the most nutrient filled nuts, according to a 2010 study,Business Insider reported. The vitamin E and magnesium in almonds will keep your brain at top-working capacity without the aforementioned “crash” afterwards. If nuts aren’t your thing, there’s nothing quite like gold old fashioned protein to give your brain a much needed boost to get you through the day. Protein is able to stimulate orexin neurons, the cells in your brain responsible for keeping you awake. All animal by products such as fish, meats, dairy, and eggs are packed with protein.


It happens to the best of us. You get halfway through a perfectly fine work day  when suddenly you find you can’t seem to focus on anything for longer than a few minutes. Maybe next time you should put down the coffee and try reaching for a berry snack instead. Studies have shown that blueberries in particular are able to increase “concentration and memory” for up to five hours. This is due to the large amount of antioxidants they contain. These powerful nutrients are able to stimulate the blood of blood and oxygen to your brain which results in sharper focus, no caffeine needed. The fact that they are able to fight cancer as well doesn’t hurt either.


Who doesn’t want better memory? Studies suggest that eating cold water fatty fish, such as salmon not only helps you to improve memory retention, but can also protect you for degenerative mental disease such as dementia. That is because they contain high levels of essential fatty acids called DHA. According to the BBC, tomatoes can help protect memory loss due to free radical damage to cells, you know just in case you needed a reason to have that second serving of pasta.

By Dana Dovey @danadovey

Power Ups: Superfoods!

Posted by Standout Health – Check out the “7 Superb Superfoods to Power Up Your Life” info graphic discover the secrets to a more healthy life. #Diet #Nutritin #weightloss
You are going to discover this revolutionary ancient tea recipe today

Superfoods are foods that are high in nutrie

nts and health-giving properties.
Eating a diet rich in superfoods should help to control weight, curb hunger pangs and cravings, protect from diseases and boost the immune system.
But knowing what to eat and how to eat it can be confusing. Getting the most out of superfoods means a wide variety of fruit and vegetables in rich colours, as well as lean meats and oily fish.
Here is our top 10 must-have superfoods:

1. Almonds: Packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibre. Almonds make a great addition to any salad or dessert. Almond milk is also a nutritious dairy-free alternative to cow’s milk.
2. Bananas: Rich in potassium, fibre, vitamin B6, magnesium and manganese, they strengthen the immune system as they contain cytolcin which is believed to increase white blood cells. Bananas give a natural energy boost and help to reduce stress levels because of their tryptophan content, a chemical that converts to the feel-good hormone serotonin.
3. Butternut squash: The deep yellow colour means it’s high in beta carotene, which helps to protect against skin cancer.
4. Chia seeds: The richest source of plant-based omega 3 fatty acids, loaded with antioxidants, high in protein, minerals and fibre. Chia seeds swell to more than five times their weight in liquid, so they’ll help make you feel quicker, and can help with weight loss.
5. Chocolate/raw cacao: Dairy-free 70 percent cocoa or higher elevates your mood, improves your blood flow and can lower blood pressure. It helps reduce inflammation and bad cholesterol and contains heaps of antioxidants.
Raw cacao is even better as none of the nutrients are lost in heat treatment, so make up your own raw chocolates instead. Raw cacao contains more antioxidants than acai, goji or blueberries.

6. Cinnamon: Stabilises blood sugar levels and encourages blood flow through the body.
7. Coconut oil: Quickly and easily absorbed by the body, so it’s an easy source of energy that may help you burn more fat. It helps to protect against heart disease and slightly lowers cholesterol.
It is excellent for cooking as it does not form harmful trans fats when heated, even at high temperatures. Use in place of butter and oil in cooking. A small pinch of salt can be added to savoury recipes to reduce the coconut flavour.
8. Cumin: Contains anti-inflammatory properties and also helps reduce bloating.

9. Greek yoghurt: An excellent source of calcium, potassium,protein, zinc and vitamins B6 and B12. Contains probiotic cultures and is lower in lactose than regular yoghurt, but with twice the amount of protein. Eat with fresh berries instead of shop-bought fruit yoghurt, which can be high in sugar.

10. Hemp: A good source of protein, especially relevant to vegans. Contains omega-3 and 6 fatty acids and is thought to be energy boosting.

Which Detox For Which Body Part?

Posted by Clémentine M. – detox your body by eating the right foods #weightloss #detox #healthyeating

How To Cook Winter Vegetables

Posted by The Coconut Mama – How to cook winter vegetables INFOGRAPHIC From artichokes to rutabagas, the best ways to cook each winter vegetable #Weightloss #Recipes