Innovations Health And Wellness

5 Lbs of Fat And 5 Lbs of Muscle
Posted by lauralucaslivelife

Muscle vs Fat  
10lb of muscle at rest will burn 50 calories per day whilst 10lb of fat will only burn 20 calories. Therefore building muscle will speed up your metabolism and help reduce the fat content of your body – no, fat does not turn into muscle, it is replaced by muscle. Also muscle does not weigh more than fat. 1lb of muscle in the same as 1lb of fat, it is just denser helping to create a more svelte shape.

So, weight loss and fat loss are not necessarily the same thing. Weight loss is very easy to accomplish. All you have to do is take in less calories than what your body burns on any given day. So if your body burns 2,500 calories, and you just take in 2,000 calories, weight loss will occur. The problem is that if those calories that you take in do not have the right amount of nutrients, the weight loss may come in the form of muscle tissue loss, water weight, and perhaps even some bone mass!

It is an unfortunate aspect of nature that for most people, as we age, body fat reduction occurs at a slower rate(but see anti-ageing strategies). However, don’t be discouraged but rather set realistic goals including following a balanced nutrition plan, keeping up regular exercise and most importantly include muscle building/retaining activities.

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