Innovations Health And Wellness

10 Snacks That Fill You Up And Help You Eat Less and Lose Weight
I try to stress to people hat I literally eat CONSTANTLY. Every 2-3 hours something is going in my mouth. My bag is always full of snacks. And I ALWAYS carry extra snacks because you just never know when you are going to be stuck somewhere. Especially with this snow on the east coast, I am constantly dealing with train delays and getting stuck!

The last time to go searching for food is when you are already hungry. Then you aren’t likely going to make the healthiest choice. So I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorites!!

1. Almonds – they now come in 100 calorie packs, but I usually figure about 12. They keep me full! I usually don’t eat them on their own. I have them with string cheese or fruit.

2. Fruit- my favorites are apples and bananas.

3. Quest Bars- you guys, I am in LOVE with Quest bars…you don’t even know. They are low carb and taste sinful!!

4. Popcorn- I will airpop it myself or I enjoy Boom Chika Pop and Skinny Pop. I often add a tbsp of quality dark chocolate chips (70% cocoa or above where cocoa is one of the only ingredients).

5. Kind Bars- quality ingredients and really filling. These are great because they are basically sold everywhere now.

6. Dark Chocolate- I have QUALITY dark chocolate almost every day. I have a wicked sweet tooth so incorporating dark chocolate into my diet helps prevent me from getting that CRAVING. You know the feeling.

7. Carrots and Celery with 2 tbsp almond butter, guacamole, hummus.

8. Hard Boiled Eggs.

9. Jerky- as natural as possible, preferably nitrate free, with no added sugars or sweeteners.

10. Kale Chips.

#WeightLoss #Fruit #Heatlhy #nutrition

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