
10 Snacks That Fill You Up And Help You Eat Less and Lose Weight
I try to stress to people hat I literally eat CONSTANTLY. Every 2-3 hours something is going in my mouth. My bag is always full of snacks. And I ALWAYS carry extra snacks because you just never know when you are going to be stuck somewhere. Especially with this snow on the east coast, I am constantly dealing with train delays and getting stuck!

The last time to go searching for food is when you are already hungry. Then you aren’t likely going to make the healthiest choice. So I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorites!!

1. Almonds – they now come in 100 calorie packs, but I usually figure about 12. They keep me full! I usually don’t eat them on their own. I have them with string cheese or fruit.

2. Fruit- my favorites are apples and bananas.

3. Quest Bars- you guys, I am in LOVE with Quest bars…you don’t even know. They are low carb and taste sinful!!

4. Popcorn- I will airpop it myself or I enjoy Boom Chika Pop and Skinny Pop. I often add a tbsp of quality dark chocolate chips (70% cocoa or above where cocoa is one of the only ingredients).

5. Kind Bars- quality ingredients and really filling. These are great because they are basically sold everywhere now.

6. Dark Chocolate- I have QUALITY dark chocolate almost every day. I have a wicked sweet tooth so incorporating dark chocolate into my diet helps prevent me from getting that CRAVING. You know the feeling.

7. Carrots and Celery with 2 tbsp almond butter, guacamole, hummus.

8. Hard Boiled Eggs.

9. Jerky- as natural as possible, preferably nitrate free, with no added sugars or sweeteners.

10. Kale Chips.

#WeightLoss #Fruit #Heatlhy #nutrition

Clean Eating Snacks

Posted by Julia Kang – Now that you’ve done your cleansing and detoxing, here are 50 CLEAN EATING SNACKS you need this week! #cleaneating #snacks #healthyrecipes #weightloss

40 Quick Healthy Snacks

  1. Nuts
  2. Trail mix:  Mix dried fruit, nuts, seeds, and a handful of real dark chocolate chips
  3. Fresh fruit:  Whatever deliciousness is in season – our selection this week is apples, oranges, and strawberries
  4. Dried Fruit:  Raisins, dried berries, dried apple slices
  5. Salad:  If your veggies are pre-washed you can put this together very quickly.  As well, salad can be preassembled.  Simply add protein and dressing at serving time.
  6. Veggies:  carrots, radishes, sugar snap peas, celery, peppers, cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes
  7. Steamed veggies:  Top them with cheese or chopped hard-boiled eggs
  8. Eggs: Nature’s fastest protein – boil, scramble, poach or fry – eggs make a great topper for other “fast foods”
  9. Yogurt Parfait: Top your homemade yogurt with fruit and granola
  10. Leftovers
  11. Cheese: Opt for a healthy version without additives and artificial colors
  12. Smoothies:  Throw fruits, veggies, yogurt and your milk of choice into the blender.  Add a little pure vanilla and some honey.  We like to freeze fruit for this purpose to make a rich thick shake.
  13. Homemade granola cookies
  14. No-bake haystack cookies
  15. Hummus:  Serve the dip with veggie sticks, homemade crackers, or tortillas
  16. Applesauce:  Try topping it with homemade granola and vanilla yogurt for a  quick no-cook “apple crisp”
  17. Chocolate Milk
  18. Apples with natural peanut butter
  19. Frozen Yogurt Berries:  Toss well-washed berries in homemade vanilla yogurt.  Place them on a baking sheet in the freezer for at least 2 hours for a cold, healthy treat
  20. Popcorn
  21. Edamame
  22. Pancakes or Waffles:  Top with fruit for a nutrition boost
  23. Couscous:  This speedy grain only requires the addition of boiling water or broth.  Let it sit for 5 minutes, covered, and you have an instant hearty side dish.  Add some steamed veggies and lean protein to turn it into a one dish meal
  24. Cottage cheese:  Top homemade cottage cheese with fresh fruit
  25. Home-canned food:  Meals like chili, soup, and spaghetti sauce can be pressure canned at home for a delicious healthy “fast food meal”
  26. Fruit Salad: Top it with nuts and a honey-sweetened yogurt for a protein boost
  27. Dill Pickles:  Home-canned, of course
  28. Ants-on-a-log:  Celery sticks stuffed with natural peanut butter then topped with raisins
  29. Quick Greek Salad: Chopped cucumber, peppers and cherry tomatoes with feta cheese and vinaigrette
  30. Homemade Fruitsicles:  Puree fruit that is overripe, then freeze it in popsicle forms – strawberry-banana is a favorite combo here
  31. Guacamole
  32. Savory snack mix:  Popcorn and nuts sprinkled with parmesan cheese and spices
  33. Tzatziki:  This yummy Greek garlic and yogurt dip is a satisfying snack with homemade crackers or veggies
  34. Medjool dates and almonds
  35. Frozen grapes
  36. Homemade gazpacho:  Puree tomatoes, peppers, onions, jalapenos, and other seasonal veggies.  Keep in the fridge and serve cold.
  37. Quick Banana Nut Cookies:  Mash 2 overripe bananas well.  Stir in 1 cup of steel-cut oats and 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts or pecans.  Bake at 350 for 15 minutes.
  38. Latte:  Make a delicious latte with a homemade creamer
  39. Mexican Black Bean Salad:  (you can use a can of rinsed organic black beans or beans that you cooked yourself previously)  1 cup of black beans, 1/2 cup of diced tomatoes, 1/2 cup of chopped bell peppers, some fresh cilantro, and lemon juice
  40. Green Apple Salad:  Chopped green apple, red grapes, and walnuts sprinkled with a dressing made from honey, lemon juice and cinnamon

Clean Eating Snacks

Posted by Booklady – Top-Rated Recipes with nutritional data and Weight Watchers points!! #cleaneating #snacks | Food and Eat #WeightLoss #WeightLossTips

Snack Before A Workout! Snack After A Workout!

Posted by Nashua Nutrition – Snacking before and after a workout is a great way to boost your routine. It is important to know what kinds of snacks to eat before your workout and after your workout. For pre-workout a snack high in carbs is our favorite way to gain energy, and a high-protein post workout snack to replenish the muscles. #Workout #Weightloss #Weightlosstips

60 Healthy Snack Ideas!

Posted by Alexis LeCrone – So much better than the GM processed alternatives out there #weightloss #weightlosstips #snacks

249 Foods To Lose Weight Faster

Posted by Victory Ink – 249 weight loss foods you should eat 80% of the time to lose weight faster #Weightloss

Don’t Fall Into These 10 Common Diet Traps

Posted by Sierra White – 10 Common #Diet Traps #WeightLoss
It’s no secret that dieting is hard. One day you’re strict with yourself and you go to bed feeling light and clean and the next day you wake up and eat two cinnamon roles for breakfast. The ups and downs of dieting are natural, but if you’re serious about losing weight you’ll need to be consistent. Be ready for these nutrition saboteurs.

1. Your portions are off

You may be eating all the good stuff, but you’re eating too much of it. Take the time to read the serving size indications and stick to it by measuring out your portions or using an at-home food scale. Don’t trust yourself to guess what a cup of spaghetti looks like or you’ll be putting in all the effort of dieting without reaping any benefits. A study of overweight people found that 38 percent of those who practiced only portion control lost weight.

2. You give up too easily

It can be tempting to throw in the towel when you slip up. You may be thinking that if you’ve already ruined your diet you might as well stuff your face and start fresh tomorrow. This way of thinking will get you nowhere fast. It’s natural to overeat once in a while or indulge in that chocolate cake you know you should skip, but don’t let one mistake throw you off balance.

3. You’re exercising less

If you want to lose weight quickly and efficiently it is best to pair your diet with a regular exercise routine. Spend at least 30 minutes a day doing moderate-intensity activity at least five days a week. Whether that is a long morning walk, a bike ride, a yoga class, or an evening at the gym, make sure you don’t leave out the fitness component to your new healthy lifestyle.

4. You skip breakfast

You may think if you skip breakfast you can save those calories for lunch, snack, or dinner time, but by the time you get to lunchtime you’ll be starving and will have a tendency to overeat. Those “saved” morning calories won’t last long. According to the Mayo Clinic, eating a good breakfast helps keep you on track for healthy eating the rest of the day and refuels your body with energy to start the day.

5. You’re not getting enough protein

If you’re focusing on eating smaller portions and fewer snacks, but aren’t consuming enough protein you’ll constantly be hungry. Protein keeps your metabolism running, your energy up, and keeps you full longer as it is harder to digest than most carbohydrates. Include a lean protein in every meal and snack on items that are high in both fiber and protein like nuts, dried fruit, or hummus and veggies.

6. You’re drinking your calories

When you’re trying to lose weight you should be focused on drinking water. Not only does water make you feel full, but it is a pure, calorie free drink that is great for your skin and digestion. If you regularly consume a morning cappuccino, a soda with lunch, and a few beers with dinner you’re consuming a few extra hundred liquid calories a day.

7. You use food as a reward

Many people use food as a reward for completing a long day at work or completing a rigorous workout, but using food as a reward can be a dangerous pitfall when dieting. Emotional eating will sabotage your diet and leave you feeling worse off in the end. Studies show that 78 percent of American consumers are more likely to eat dessert as a treat to reward themselves. Rather than using food as a reward, give yourself an evening in with your favorite show or a new pair of running shoes.

26 Snacks Ideas To Keep You Slim!

Posted by Jane Deprez Wertel – snack for 200 calories or less #Weightloss