Category Archives: healthy

No Need For A Detox Diet
Posted by ANNETTE HAMLIN – Never need to do a detox diet if you incorporate these foods into your normal diet. #Weightloss #Detox

Detoxing your body can do more for your body than just put a glow on your face or help you shed some pounds. The main purpose of following a detox diet is to take the load off organs that detoxify your body and help them function better.
Following a detox diet also prevents chronic diseases, enhances the function of your immune system, slows premature aging, provides mental and emotional clarity, and increases energy. Moreover, eliminating toxins and feeding your body healthy nutrients isn’t difficult!
If you’re ready to begin detoxing your body, here are ten foods you should include in your diet.

Heart Cleansers
#1 Wild Salmon
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which help protect the heart and reduce triglyceride levels in the blood. These anti-inflammatory healthy fats are also known to reverse arterial stiffness, which is a common side-effect of smoking.

#2 Spinach
This leafy vegetable is an essential detox food your heart. Spinach is rich in vitamins A and C- both antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body, thereby keeping cholesterol levels in check. Spinach also has folate which keeps the cardiovascular system healthy and magnesium that helps lower blood pressure.

Liver Cleansers
#3 Lemon
Being a citrus fruit, lemons are loaded with vitamin C, which is essential to the body in several ways. Among other uses, vitamin C is needed to make glutathione- a powerful antioxidant that detoxifies the liver, in addition to enhancing the immune system and neutralizing free radicals. Lemon also increases the production of bile which is necessary for digestion. At the same time, lemon juice controls the flow of excess bile into the digestive tract, thereby preventing the formation of ulcers. Further, drinking lemon infused water or lemon juice first thing in the morning balances out the acidity of foods consumed the previous day. Lemon juice contains anti-cancer compounds and helps maintain the body’s pH levels too.

#4 Artichokes
This wonder vegetable, which is actually a flower bud, helps the liver function at its best by promoting the production of bile. Artichokes are also able to protect the liver owing to the presence of silymarin- a phenol compound. In addition, artichoke leaves are rich in anti-cancer polyphenols and also have anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.

Kidney Cleansers
#5 Kale
Kale is packed with antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is highly recommended by doctors to patients with kidney-related diseases. In addition to flushing out kidneys, kale also is a nutrient-dense food, so you should eat it as often as you can.

#6 Basil
This full-of-flavor herb is a great addition to soups, salads, grilled vegetables, and a lot other dishes. What’s more, it is rich in antioxidants and has anti-bacterial properties! Basil also expels unwanted toxins out of the body by supporting the functioning of the kidneys and acting as a diuretic.

Digestive System Cleansers
#7 Whole Grains
Whole grains such as brown and wild rice, quinoa, and steel-cut oats are complex carbohydrates that are rich in soluble as well as insoluble fiber. The high fiber content ensures regular bowel movement, thereby helping you eliminate body waste efficiently. Apart from this, fiber-rich grains also reduce the risk of colon cancer, and gastrointestinal disorders like duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, reflux, and diverticulitis.

#8 Fresh Fruits
Fresh fruits are among the most effective foods that can cleanse your digestive system. That’s because almost all fruits contain ample amounts of fiber that aids digestion. Fresh fruits are also rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that can nourish the body and help detoxify it. Some fruits that are great cleansers are apples, blueberries, cranberries, avocado, and grapefruit.

Overall Body Cleansers
#9 Beetroot
A single serving of this delicious root vegetable can work wonders for your whole body. Beetroots contain abundant phytochemicals and minerals that help fight infection, purify the blood, and cleanse vital organs. They also boost the body’s intake of oxygen at the cellular level, making them an excellent overall body cleanser. Additionally, eating beetroots regularly can help fight cancer, boost the functioning of the brain, reduce arthritic pain, and more.

#10 Cabbage
This cruciferous vegetable helps cleans the liver and also acts as a diuretic, flushing toxins out of your body. Cabbages also contain sulfur that helps break down toxins so that they can be eliminated easily.

Now that you know about these ten amazing detox foods, what are you waiting for? Get started on your detox diet right away! Just make sure you don’t follow fads blindly; a detox diet will benefit you only if you do it right. So eat healthy, take your detox diet slow at first, and you’re sure to bring the balance back into your life by helping your body function as well as it can.

20 Simple Tips To Lose Weight In Just 10 Days

Posted by Brandy Dyess – How to lose weight in 10 days? Is that even possible?

Tips for Eating for Weight Loss!

1. Get the Blues

“I got the blues” may conjure up memories of those macaroni and cheese commercials from the ‘90s, but we’re talking about blue dishware. The color blue can act as an appetite suppressant because it has the least appealing contrast to most food. Research says toavoid plates that match the food served on them (like white plates and fettuccini Alfredo), because there is less of a contrast, which may prompt us to eat more. A small but potentially useful trick!

2. Eat Snacks!

Skipping out on snack time won’t necessarily lead to weight loss, since low calorie consumption can actually slow metabolism . Eating less than three times a day may benefit those who are obese, but research shows skipping meals throughout the day and eating one large meal at night can lead to some undesirable outcomes (like delayed insulin response) which may increase the risk of diabetes . Instead of forgoing breakfast or lunch, stick to a few meals a day with healthy snacks in between.

3. Peruse the Perimeter

Next time you need groceries, circle the perimeter of the store before going in. This isn’t a way to stalk out your prey, but actually a tactic to load up on the healthy stuff first. The edges of grocery stores generally house fresh produce, meat, and fish, while the inner aisles hold more pre-packaged, processed foods. Browsing the perimeter can help control how many unwanted additives are in the grocery basket.

4. Stock the Fridge

Make an effort to fill the fridge with healthy produce and proteins (from perusing the perimeter!). Keep lots of fresh fruit and veggies on hand. And for when the fruit basket goes barren, make sure the freezer is stocked with frozen veggie mixes or berries (grab the bags full of just veggies, not the ones with butter-laden sauces). You may be less apt to order out when you’ve got the makings of a healthy dinner right at home. And the good news is, healthy food doesn’t always have to be pricey.

5. Eat in the A.M.

Skipping breakfast in order to “save your appetite” for dinner probably isn’t a safety shield for late-night noshing . While there’s still debate on how important breakfast really is, not eating until the afternoon may lead to binging later on (ie. four servings of mashed potatoes) . Make sure to stick a reasonably sized breakfast with plenty of protein; we tend to eat the same sized lunch and dinner regardless of how many calories we eat in the morning .

6. Get Busy in the Kitchen

We promise cooking doesn’t take long! Restaurants often use larger plates than the ones we have at home, and studies show that increased portion sizes result in increased energy intake, even if there’s a doggy bag involved .

7. Prioritize the Pantry

Take a little time out to toss the junk. If you’ve got some favorite not-so-great items you’d like to save as a treat, tuck them in the back of the pantry with healthier items, like whole grain pasta, rice, beans, and nuts up front. We know that just because the cans of tuna and a bag of lentils are right in front doesn’t mean you’ll forget the brownie mix altogether, but it’ll help keep the brownie mix out of sight, out of mind. Just seeing or smelling food can stimulate cravings, and increase hunger (especially true for junk food) .

8. Serve “Restaurant” Style

Instead of lining up the breadbasket, entire casserole, and salad bowl, right on the table, leave food on the kitchen counter (away from reach). When you’ve cleaned your plate, take a breather then decide if you really want those seconds. Changing up the environment, like by leaving food by the stove, can help reduce food intake .

9. Use Smaller Plates

History shows plate sizes have increased over the past millennium . When it’s time to sit down for dinner, choose a size-appropriate plate or bowl. Using a smaller plate (8-10 inches) instead of a tray-like plate (12 inches or more) can make us feel fuller with the same amount of food. How does this magic trick work? The brain may associate the white space with less food, plus smaller plates generally lead to smaller portions .

10. Chew Slowly

Eating slowly may not fit into a busy workday, but it pays to pace your chewing: the quicker we eat, the less time the body has to register fullness . So slow down, and take a second to savor.

Low Calorie Food That Helps You Stay Full!

Posted by Kelly – Healthy Eating. You need to make healthy food choices that will keep you full and satisfied without packing on extra pounds. #Weightloss #Foods

Very low calorie diets are effective for many people, particularly the HCG diet, but a lot of people still believe that very low calorie diets don’t work. They actually do work quite well, even for patients who may not have had success with other diets. There are several scientific reasons why very low calorie diets can result in rapid weight loss. Although they are not a permanent solution, they offer a transition to a healthy lifestyle and a way for people who haven’t had success with dieting or weight loss in the past to see rapid results. Very low calorie diets are not dangerous when they are properly medically supervised, and they offer a safer alternative to many of the other weight loss options available.

Very low calorie diets lead to weight loss

The HCG diet utilizes the effect of the hormone HCG along with a very low calorie diet to achieve its weight loss goals. The only real way to lose weight quickly and safely is by restricting your caloric intake, which very low calorie diets accomplish. During a very low calorie diet the human body switches to a ketogenic state which results in rapid fat loss. This state can be continued as long as the dieter restricts their calorie intake to be more than what they need. Diets that are structured in this way can be continued for an extended period of time without serious complications for the majority of people.

Very low calorie diets end up being significantly more convenient than other types of diets that require exercise or other difficult to follow requirements. The HCG diet is a perfect example of such a diet, as its requirements are designed to be simple and the specific foods that are allowed on the diet and their servings is detailed completely. Many other very low calorie diets are not as effective and don’t have the clinical research backing them up like the HCG diet. The HCG diet has very direct and simple instructions, and dieters benefit from this. It also has a few other distinct advantages compared to many other diets, and it does not take very long to complete.

Very low calorie diets are short in duration

One of the biggest reasons why very low calorie diets are often successful is because of the fact that most of them are short in duration. It’s important to note that even longer duration very low calorie diets are safe if they are medically approved, as many obese patients can have calorie restrictions in the long term without suffering major medical problems. The HCG diet lasts for just a period of three to six weeks, which means that most people can handle the length of time required for the diet without any major issues. It’s also an easy diet to learn for most people, and the protocol has been around for a very long time with minimal modifications compared to most other diets.

The best very low calorie diets focus on food quality

For many things in life, quality is more important than quantity. For a very low calorie diet, it’s not the number of calories that you are eating that matters as much as the quality of those calories. The best very low calorie diets like the HCG diet are more focused on food quality, which is why it does not result in nutritional deficiencies like many other diets. The foods for the HCG diet are carefully selected based on the minimum nutritional needs of the average person. Only natural whole foods are allowed on the diet with strict restrictions, and there is a sufficient amount of protein on the diet as well which helps to ensure that muscle mass is not lost.

Some people may need additional tweaks to the diet such as increasing the calorie amount slightly, increasing the protein amount, or other changes to the diet, but most people can follow the standard protocol without any issues. Some people also take a multi-vitamin while they are on the HCG diet, and this can be a good idea for many dieters. If for no other reason, it can give dieters the peace of mind that they can safely stay on the diet without having to worry about nutritional deficiencies. When the diet is properly followed, there are no nutritional issues, and an experienced medical provider will be able to tell the patient about any particular precautions that they need to be aware of before they start the diet.

Very low calorie diets need to be medically supervised

Although very low calorie diets are safe and an excellent alternative to traditional medical treatments like bariatric surgery, they always need to be attempted under the direction of a medical provider. There are some contraindications to these diet that have to be reviewed by a medical professional before a person attempts the diet. With the wide range of very low calorie diets being made available online, and with many patients attempting these diets without medical advice, there have been more people who have had nutritional deficiencies, gallstones, or other health problems. There is really no circumstance where a person should attempt a very low calorie diet without getting some sort of medical advice.

With the proper medical supervision, a very low calorie diet can help a patient get back to a healthy lifestyle and change their eating habits. It’s happened already for thousands of people on the HCG diet, and within just a matter of three to six weeks, many patients report that their appetites have changed, that they no longer feel the urge to eat the same unhealthy foods that they used to eat, and most importantly, they report substantial weight loss. All of these results are accomplished without having to rely on dangerous bariatric surgery, medications, or other weight loss treatments that come with major risks and can be very expensive.

Excellent Example Of An Eating Schedule!

Posted by Ashley Heinen – Healthy eating…Paired with workouts can do wonders. “excellence is a habit” – Handy eating schedule. Your body loves routine! #healthy #living #Weightloss

Posted by Chris Garner – Do you have great intentions to make good choices about your health every week, but then rush into your busy day making bad choice after bad choice. One of the best ways to overcome this is to put your choices on auto-pilot.

What do I mean by auto-pilot? You accomplish this with simple planning. According to Wikipedia, the definition of planning is “the process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve the desired results.” In order to achieve the results of good health that you and so many of us are after, incorporate a time of planning into your weekly like. Take a few minutes on the weekend, before the week begins to create your plan for the week ahead. Here is an example of a plan to simplify your choices when it comes to your meals and snacks for the week.

Determine three breakfasts, three lunches, three snacks, and three dinners to make for the week. Do the same breakfast/lunch/snack/dinner on Mon/Thur, do the second B/L/S/D on Tues/Fri, and the third on Wed/Sat. You can have a day off of planning for your Sunday, but you still want to make good choices. A free day from planning is not permission to unravel all your good work you did through the week, it just gives you a break from planning.

This is just a simple example of how you can plan your week to minimize the eating on the run, which many times results in too much processed food and unhealthy sugars in one’s diet. It also helps you prepare containers of food ahead of time to take with you for days when you are on the go. Take the time to find the right plan for your week that works for you. Everyone is different and so is your schedule, but putting your eating on auto-pilot can help to increase your chances of making good choices along the way. Plan on! Visit for healthy vitamins, supplements and more.

Get To Work On Your New Flat Stomach

Posted by Nicole Carrie – Ab Workouts. #abs #fitness #exercise #workout #weightloss #health

How To Get A Flat Stomach The Truth

Almost everyone wants to lose weight. Some people more than others. I can tell you right now that the weight I have on my body isn’t that bad. But, there is one place I would love to make a dramatic improvement. That’s my stomach.

I know that’s its extremely hard to get supermodel type abs. Some people can’t even achieve this no matter how hard they try it’s just in their genetics. But what you can do is flatten those abs that you do have. It doesn’t take a $300 dollar exercise course or a personal trainer to do this. With the right exercise and dedication anyone can get a flat. The time frame depends on how dedicated you are and how far you have to go.

Do that right exercises. After doing much research I have found that doing sit ups alone will not give you the dream abs or flat stomach you want. There is no point in toning up your abs if you have a layer of fat covering it. The exercise that you need to focus on is cardio running, swimming, biking, even walking. Anything that involves heavy breathing, sweating, and getting your heart rate up.

Also take in to consideration the amount of calories you’re in taking. If you start to increase your output with cardio then mix in some ab exercises like weight lifting or crunches you’re on the right track. But, if you eat more food to compensate for the extra effort you are making then the chances are you won’t lose any weight at all. You may even gain a few pounds.

The weight won’t come off of you in a matter of days or weeks either. It will take some time to actually even notice a difference. The main point here is consistency. You want to be as consistent as possible. If you lose 2 pounds per week for the first 3 weeks then plan on losing 2 pounds per week for the rest of the time you exercise. You never want to try and lose a little weight faster than 2 or 3 pounds per week. If you do chances are you will be effecting your overall health and you could even do some damage to your body.

Work your way up to more and more time exercising each day. If you spend 10 minutes per day for the first 10 days that’s great. Then you can move up to 15 then eventually 30  or more. Than main thing with this is have a little patience and don’t overdo yourself or you will end up in worse shape than when you started. Everyone can do this just dedicate and get started now. Good Luck!

Why Are Avocados Good For You?

Posted by Jenny O’Leary – Health Benefits of #Avocados #Weightloss

If you are new to all this what, you may very well ask, are Super Foods?

Well amongst the better known are blueberries, kale and salmon. No doubt you will have heard countless times about the nutritional benefits of these everyday ingredients, commonly labelled “Super Foods.”

There’s no official scientific definition of a Super Food, but it’s generally accepted that Super Foods contain high levels of much-needed vitamins and minerals. They can also be a source of antioxidants, substances that shield our bodies from cell damage and help prevent disease.

While there are a number of common foods that provide these nutrients, there is also an array of more exotic and less mainstream Super foods that are worth getting to know. These include Kefir, Acai, Maca and mangosteens but more about these next week.

Today we are going to focus on one of the best known and loved Super foods the Avocado.

As super foods go, they don’t come much more versatile than the avocado. The soft, creamy consistency and the mild, nutty flavour pair with just about anything, adding a generous portion of healthy fats, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin K and folate to your plate. Delicious at breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snack time, it’s little wonder that avocados are one of the most popular and widely grown fruits around the world.

To celebrate the avocado in all it’s smooth, buttery glory, here’s a list of 16 ways to use them.


1. On their own, with a squeeze of lemon and a sprinkle of Himalayan Salt. An excellent energy boosting snack!

2. Paired with scrambled eggs and bacon for a classic paleo breakfast!

3. With tomatoes: Avocados and tomatoes pair exceptionally well together, and as it turns out, that’s no co-incidence. When paired together, avocados increase the absorption of lycopene, the cancer-preventing antioxidant found in tomatoes. In a study by the University of Ohio, pairing avocado with tomatoes improved lycopene absorption by 400%!

4. Cut into wedges and added to almost any salad

5. Guacamole: Mash two ripe avocados with the juice of half a lime, half a clove crushed garlic, two finely chopped spring onions, one red chilli (optional), salt, pepper, and fresh herbs. Ideal for Mexican dishes, burgers and salads!

6. Added to smoothies for extra creaminess

7. Sliced on top of a home-made chilli

8. Coconut crusted avocado fries. Need we say any more?

9. Added to burgers, along with caramelised onions

10. Paired with grilled chicken and a dash of cayenne pepper

11. Avocado pesto: For a twist on the classic pesto, mash a ripe avocado together with pine nuts, fresh basil, a squeeze of lemon and a little garlic.

12. Halved and topped with a generous splash of hot sauce

13. Raw chocolate making: Believe it or not, avocados are fantastic for making healthy desserts – especially those that involve chocolate! Use them in brownies, chocolate mousse, truffles and cakes to add a wonderful creaminess.

14. Avocado ice cream: Blend an avocado, a frozen banana, 200ml coconut milk and a dash of vanilla extract. Leave in the freezer for 3-4 hours, mixing every hour or so. Allow to thaw slightly before serving, topped with fresh berries!

And they’re not just for eating, either…

15. As a face mask: Great for dry and sensitive complexions, avocado face masks are an excellent way to provide your skin with much needed hydration and nutrients. Avocado oil is used in many of the leading anti-aging moisturisers and treatment lotions – but to save yourself some money, use the whole fruit instead! Our favourite avocado face mask combines three tbsp mashed avocado, one tsp raw honey, and one tsp macadamia oil. Apply to face for 10 – 15 minutes once a week for a serious complexion boost!

16. As a hair mask: Avocado is amazing for dry hair. Combine half a mashed avocado with an egg yolk and a tablespoon of olive oil. Massage into hair from root to tip, then leave to set for 30 minutes before rinsing. When avocado is combined with egg yolk and oil, it acts as a humectant, infusing moisture deep into the hair cells.

How do you use your avocados?
