
Excellent Example Of An Eating Schedule!

Posted by Ashley Heinen – Healthy eating…Paired with workouts can do wonders. “excellence is a habit” – Handy eating schedule. Your body loves routine! #healthy #living #Weightloss

Posted by Chris Garner – Do you have great intentions to make good choices about your health every week, but then rush into your busy day making bad choice after bad choice. One of the best ways to overcome this is to put your choices on auto-pilot.

What do I mean by auto-pilot? You accomplish this with simple planning. According to Wikipedia, the definition of planning is “the process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve the desired results.” In order to achieve the results of good health that you and so many of us are after, incorporate a time of planning into your weekly like. Take a few minutes on the weekend, before the week begins to create your plan for the week ahead. Here is an example of a plan to simplify your choices when it comes to your meals and snacks for the week.

Determine three breakfasts, three lunches, three snacks, and three dinners to make for the week. Do the same breakfast/lunch/snack/dinner on Mon/Thur, do the second B/L/S/D on Tues/Fri, and the third on Wed/Sat. You can have a day off of planning for your Sunday, but you still want to make good choices. A free day from planning is not permission to unravel all your good work you did through the week, it just gives you a break from planning.

This is just a simple example of how you can plan your week to minimize the eating on the run, which many times results in too much processed food and unhealthy sugars in one’s diet. It also helps you prepare containers of food ahead of time to take with you for days when you are on the go. Take the time to find the right plan for your week that works for you. Everyone is different and so is your schedule, but putting your eating on auto-pilot can help to increase your chances of making good choices along the way. Plan on! Visit for healthy vitamins, supplements and more.

Power Ups: Superfoods!

Posted by Standout Health – Check out the “7 Superb Superfoods to Power Up Your Life” info graphic discover the secrets to a more healthy life. #Diet #Nutritin #weightloss
You are going to discover this revolutionary ancient tea recipe today

Superfoods are foods that are high in nutrie

nts and health-giving properties.
Eating a diet rich in superfoods should help to control weight, curb hunger pangs and cravings, protect from diseases and boost the immune system.
But knowing what to eat and how to eat it can be confusing. Getting the most out of superfoods means a wide variety of fruit and vegetables in rich colours, as well as lean meats and oily fish.
Here is our top 10 must-have superfoods:

1. Almonds: Packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibre. Almonds make a great addition to any salad or dessert. Almond milk is also a nutritious dairy-free alternative to cow’s milk.
2. Bananas: Rich in potassium, fibre, vitamin B6, magnesium and manganese, they strengthen the immune system as they contain cytolcin which is believed to increase white blood cells. Bananas give a natural energy boost and help to reduce stress levels because of their tryptophan content, a chemical that converts to the feel-good hormone serotonin.
3. Butternut squash: The deep yellow colour means it’s high in beta carotene, which helps to protect against skin cancer.
4. Chia seeds: The richest source of plant-based omega 3 fatty acids, loaded with antioxidants, high in protein, minerals and fibre. Chia seeds swell to more than five times their weight in liquid, so they’ll help make you feel quicker, and can help with weight loss.
5. Chocolate/raw cacao: Dairy-free 70 percent cocoa or higher elevates your mood, improves your blood flow and can lower blood pressure. It helps reduce inflammation and bad cholesterol and contains heaps of antioxidants.
Raw cacao is even better as none of the nutrients are lost in heat treatment, so make up your own raw chocolates instead. Raw cacao contains more antioxidants than acai, goji or blueberries.

6. Cinnamon: Stabilises blood sugar levels and encourages blood flow through the body.
7. Coconut oil: Quickly and easily absorbed by the body, so it’s an easy source of energy that may help you burn more fat. It helps to protect against heart disease and slightly lowers cholesterol.
It is excellent for cooking as it does not form harmful trans fats when heated, even at high temperatures. Use in place of butter and oil in cooking. A small pinch of salt can be added to savoury recipes to reduce the coconut flavour.
8. Cumin: Contains anti-inflammatory properties and also helps reduce bloating.

9. Greek yoghurt: An excellent source of calcium, potassium,protein, zinc and vitamins B6 and B12. Contains probiotic cultures and is lower in lactose than regular yoghurt, but with twice the amount of protein. Eat with fresh berries instead of shop-bought fruit yoghurt, which can be high in sugar.

10. Hemp: A good source of protein, especially relevant to vegans. Contains omega-3 and 6 fatty acids and is thought to be energy boosting.

Snacks That I Need To Incorporate Into My Daily Diet

Posted by TAC – Best ideas ~ These are snacks that I need to incorporate into my daily diet. ~ Have fun! #Weightloss #Snacks