
12 Free Radical Fighting Antioxidant Foods!

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Posted by Erin Peck – Healthy eating! #Weightloss

You’ve heard the argument for getting your 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, but maybe you need another reason to choose an apple over a Snickers bar and steamed veggies over buttered bread. In addition to weight loss, clearer skin, and a better feeling body, fruits and vegetables contain natural antioxidants that fight aging. The free radical theory of aging states that we age because our cells accumulate free radical damage from exposure to smoking, air pollutants, the sun, and chemicals. To fight premature aging of the cells you can eat foods high in antioxidants that counteract and fight free radicals.

Next time you go shopping toss these antioxidant rich foods in your basket and eat to good health!

1. Broccoli

This tree-like veggie is known in the health community for providing the most concentrated source of vitamin C, a premier antioxidant nutrient. Vitamin C provides support of the body’s oxygen metabolism and lowers the risk of chronic inflammation and cancer risk. If that wasn’t enough, broccoli contains several carotenoids, which function as key antioxidants.

2. Apricots

You may skip over these fruits, but apricots pack a powerful punch of antioxidants including carotenoids and vitamin A, which is needed for cell growth and immune system function. This fruit is also good for your vision, full of potassium, and contains a healthy serving of fiber.

3. Raspberries

These fruits may already be your favorite topping for yogurt and granola or a sweet treat after dinner, but these small berries provide the body with specific antioxidants that can’t be found in any other food. In addition to high levels of vitamin C and anthocanines, raspberries contain ellagitannins, which make up 50 percent of a raspberries antioxidant effect.

4. Cherries

This tiny fruit is packed full of queritrin and ellagic acid, which fight off the body’s cancerous cells to prevent cancer from developing. Try to eat an organic version of this fruit or drink cherry juice for your daily dose of these cancer-fighting antioxidants.

5. Watermelon

Contrary to the popular belief that this water-packed summer treat is made up of only water and sugar, watermelon is actually a nutrient dense food that is full of antioxidants. This melon is full of vitamin C and lycopene, which is associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer.

6. Artichokes

This yummy vegetable contains some of the most powerful, polyphenol antioxidants including quercetin, which fights against cancer and heart disease, rutin which is anti inflammatory and anti-allergenic, and anthocyanins that help with urinary tract health, memory function, and graceful aging.

7. Blueberries

Probably one of the most commonly known antioxidant rich foods, these berries do pack a powerful punch of health, especially considering their small size. One cup of natural, wild blueberries contains more antioxidant capacity than 20 other fruits and vegetables. For blueberries their antioxidant power comes from the blue pigment in the berries, which protects against inflammation, Alzheimer’s disease, and other degenerative diseases.

8. Spinach

This leafy green is already loved for its high levels of fiber, potassium, and multiple vitamins. In addition to being full of healthy goodness, spinach is full of the carotenoids luten and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from damage, fight against cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration.

9. Kidney Beans

You may already love beans as a source of protein, fiber, and nutrients, but kidney beans are also exceptionally rich in flavonoids, a class of antioxidants that helps fight aging and the presence of free radicals in the body.

10. Oranges

You may already know that oranges are high in vitamin C, but this particular vitamin is the primary water-soluble antioxidant in the body. It works to prevent damage inside and outside the cells to prevent colon cancer. In addition it can reduce the severity of inflammatory conditions like asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Do You Have A Gluten Related Disorder?

Posted by Jessica Evans – Possible symptoms of gluten-related disorders #Weightloss #GlutenFree

8 Signs You May Have Gluten Intolerance

Almost anybody can tell you at least a little bit about gluten, as it has become quite the villain in today’s dietary world. In reality, gluten intolerance is a very serious issue and, although it may be up on the radar recently, it is more than just a passing fad.

Most people tend to consider gluten intolerance to be a food allergy or they may equate it with celiac disease. It is neither. It is a condition that occurs in the gut and if it is not cared for properly, it can affect your lifestyle in many ways.

When gluten proteins remain undigested in the gut, they are considered a foreign invader by the body and treated as such. As a result, your gut can become irritated and the absorption of food is reduced significantly.

Gastrointestinal issues can cause a number of uncomfortable problems, including pain, diarrhea and vomiting. When it comes to gluten intolerance, however, the signs may be similar or they could be quite different. Unfortunately, an issue with gluten intolerance often goes undiagnosed because most people continue to eat gluten and simply ignore the symptoms they are experiencing. Doing so can lead to additional diseases and autoimmune problems that could last a lifetime.

The following are 8 common signs that could point to gluten intolerance. If you are experiencing these symptoms with any severity, your doctor should be consulted.

1. Stomach Pain – One of the most common signs of gluten intolerance is stomach pain, along with other gastrointestinal issues. Those issues can include bloating, diarrhea, gas and constipation. When you eat foods that contain gluten, it can irritate the lining of the small intestine and can affect your ability to absorb vitamins and minerals from the food you’re eating.

2. Dizziness – Although most people would ignore this issue or consider it to be something else, gluten intolerance can often lead to disorientation, brain fog and feeling as if you are off-balance. Those issues are more likely to occur after you eat foods that contain gluten.

If you constantly have a cloudy feeling, don’t consider it to be normal, it isn’t! After you removed gluten from your diet, you may feel as if the cloud has been lifted from your thoughts.

3. Mood Swings – It is true that many different issues could lead to mood swings but gluten intolerance is one of those issues that should not be ignored. Many people that have such an intolerance feel as if they are anxious, irritable and upset for no reason after eating gluten.

4. Migraines – headaches can occur for many reasons as well but gluten intolerance can lead to chronic migraines and it should be considered a warning sign. Typically, the migraine will occur anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes after you eat.

5. Skin Itchiness – Due to the fact that your gut is having a problem processing gluten, inflammation is likely to follow. Your skin may also experience problems as a result of the inflammation, and it can show in a number of different ways. When your gut is unhappy, it can lead to dry, itchy skin and issues such as psoriasis and eczema.

6. Fibromyalgia – Approximately 4% of the population in the United States, mostly women, suffer from fibromyalgia. There are some rheumatology experts who feel as if gluten sensitivity may have a lot to do with the prevalence of fibromyalgia. It may not be directly related to it, but the gluten sensitivity could cause health problems that would lead to a secondary form of fibromyalgia.

7. Chronic Fatigue – When there are problems in the body, you are likely to feel mentally and physically exhausted. Even though you may be getting plenty of sleep at night, you still wake up in the morning feeling as if you are drained. This also has a lot to do with inflammation and the energy your body is expanding while it tries to manage the gluten proteins that you should not be eating.

8. Lactose Intolerance – The symptoms of gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance are very similar to each other. That is why it shouldn’t be surprising that individuals who have a problem with lactose may be more likely to have a problem with gluten proteins. In addition, dairy can lead to acid reflux and in turn, that can be a large part of gluten intolerance.

Why Is Grapefruit Juice Good For You?

Posted by Susan Hunt – Health benefits drinking of Grapefruit Juice #Weightloss #GrapefruitJuice