
Low Calorie Food That Helps You Stay Full!

Posted by Kelly – Healthy Eating. You need to make healthy food choices that will keep you full and satisfied without packing on extra pounds. #Weightloss #Foods

Very low calorie diets are effective for many people, particularly the HCG diet, but a lot of people still believe that very low calorie diets don’t work. They actually do work quite well, even for patients who may not have had success with other diets. There are several scientific reasons why very low calorie diets can result in rapid weight loss. Although they are not a permanent solution, they offer a transition to a healthy lifestyle and a way for people who haven’t had success with dieting or weight loss in the past to see rapid results. Very low calorie diets are not dangerous when they are properly medically supervised, and they offer a safer alternative to many of the other weight loss options available.

Very low calorie diets lead to weight loss

The HCG diet utilizes the effect of the hormone HCG along with a very low calorie diet to achieve its weight loss goals. The only real way to lose weight quickly and safely is by restricting your caloric intake, which very low calorie diets accomplish. During a very low calorie diet the human body switches to a ketogenic state which results in rapid fat loss. This state can be continued as long as the dieter restricts their calorie intake to be more than what they need. Diets that are structured in this way can be continued for an extended period of time without serious complications for the majority of people.

Very low calorie diets end up being significantly more convenient than other types of diets that require exercise or other difficult to follow requirements. The HCG diet is a perfect example of such a diet, as its requirements are designed to be simple and the specific foods that are allowed on the diet and their servings is detailed completely. Many other very low calorie diets are not as effective and don’t have the clinical research backing them up like the HCG diet. The HCG diet has very direct and simple instructions, and dieters benefit from this. It also has a few other distinct advantages compared to many other diets, and it does not take very long to complete.

Very low calorie diets are short in duration

One of the biggest reasons why very low calorie diets are often successful is because of the fact that most of them are short in duration. It’s important to note that even longer duration very low calorie diets are safe if they are medically approved, as many obese patients can have calorie restrictions in the long term without suffering major medical problems. The HCG diet lasts for just a period of three to six weeks, which means that most people can handle the length of time required for the diet without any major issues. It’s also an easy diet to learn for most people, and the protocol has been around for a very long time with minimal modifications compared to most other diets.

The best very low calorie diets focus on food quality

For many things in life, quality is more important than quantity. For a very low calorie diet, it’s not the number of calories that you are eating that matters as much as the quality of those calories. The best very low calorie diets like the HCG diet are more focused on food quality, which is why it does not result in nutritional deficiencies like many other diets. The foods for the HCG diet are carefully selected based on the minimum nutritional needs of the average person. Only natural whole foods are allowed on the diet with strict restrictions, and there is a sufficient amount of protein on the diet as well which helps to ensure that muscle mass is not lost.

Some people may need additional tweaks to the diet such as increasing the calorie amount slightly, increasing the protein amount, or other changes to the diet, but most people can follow the standard protocol without any issues. Some people also take a multi-vitamin while they are on the HCG diet, and this can be a good idea for many dieters. If for no other reason, it can give dieters the peace of mind that they can safely stay on the diet without having to worry about nutritional deficiencies. When the diet is properly followed, there are no nutritional issues, and an experienced medical provider will be able to tell the patient about any particular precautions that they need to be aware of before they start the diet.

Very low calorie diets need to be medically supervised

Although very low calorie diets are safe and an excellent alternative to traditional medical treatments like bariatric surgery, they always need to be attempted under the direction of a medical provider. There are some contraindications to these diet that have to be reviewed by a medical professional before a person attempts the diet. With the wide range of very low calorie diets being made available online, and with many patients attempting these diets without medical advice, there have been more people who have had nutritional deficiencies, gallstones, or other health problems. There is really no circumstance where a person should attempt a very low calorie diet without getting some sort of medical advice.

With the proper medical supervision, a very low calorie diet can help a patient get back to a healthy lifestyle and change their eating habits. It’s happened already for thousands of people on the HCG diet, and within just a matter of three to six weeks, many patients report that their appetites have changed, that they no longer feel the urge to eat the same unhealthy foods that they used to eat, and most importantly, they report substantial weight loss. All of these results are accomplished without having to rely on dangerous bariatric surgery, medications, or other weight loss treatments that come with major risks and can be very expensive.

Can You Improve Your Brain?

Posted by Jenna Freimark – Here are some tips on how to keep your #brain healthy. #mentalhealth #healthytips

Brain Boosters: Foods That Can Help Improve Your Intelligence, Alertness, Focus, And Memory

When it comes to your brain, there’s always room for improvement. One can never be too smart, too witty, nor full of too many useless facts. Still, all the effort needed to acquire such abilities is rather tiring. If only we could eat a food that would instantly transform us into geniuses. Well, until scientists develop this magic cuisine, here are a few foods that may help out a bit with your brain’s strength.


No one ever started their day wishing that they were less smart. Colleges make billions by promising hopeful 18-year-olds that four years at their institutions will make them more intelligent than the rest of the population. Little do they know that similar results could be achieved by simply consuming…dark chocolate? In a study conducted by Northumbria University in England, students performed better on simple math tests after drinking shakes chock full of cocoa, Fox News reported. It’s not that dark chocolate makes you “smarter” but it does help the knowledge you already have shine through a bit better. The flavonol in dark chocolate boosts the circulatory system, increasing the amount of blood that reaches your brain, according to Fox News. This ultimately increases brain functions which would explain why test scores can improve after a quick chocolaty snack.


When you’re feeling sluggish, you may be tempted to grab a coffee or candy bar for a quick pick me up. Although these foods will give you an instant energy boost, it’s often short lived and the later crash can leave you worse off. Vitamin E filled almonds may offer a more effective alternative. These are the most nutrient filled nuts, according to a 2010 study,Business Insider reported. The vitamin E and magnesium in almonds will keep your brain at top-working capacity without the aforementioned “crash” afterwards. If nuts aren’t your thing, there’s nothing quite like gold old fashioned protein to give your brain a much needed boost to get you through the day. Protein is able to stimulate orexin neurons, the cells in your brain responsible for keeping you awake. All animal by products such as fish, meats, dairy, and eggs are packed with protein.


It happens to the best of us. You get halfway through a perfectly fine work day  when suddenly you find you can’t seem to focus on anything for longer than a few minutes. Maybe next time you should put down the coffee and try reaching for a berry snack instead. Studies have shown that blueberries in particular are able to increase “concentration and memory” for up to five hours. This is due to the large amount of antioxidants they contain. These powerful nutrients are able to stimulate the blood of blood and oxygen to your brain which results in sharper focus, no caffeine needed. The fact that they are able to fight cancer as well doesn’t hurt either.


Who doesn’t want better memory? Studies suggest that eating cold water fatty fish, such as salmon not only helps you to improve memory retention, but can also protect you for degenerative mental disease such as dementia. That is because they contain high levels of essential fatty acids called DHA. According to the BBC, tomatoes can help protect memory loss due to free radical damage to cells, you know just in case you needed a reason to have that second serving of pasta.

By Dana Dovey @danadovey

Which Detox For Which Body Part?

Posted by Clémentine M. – detox your body by eating the right foods #weightloss #detox #healthyeating

10 Metabolism Secrets! We Love #5!

Posted by Karen Coon – When you think of weight loss you probably envision having to overhaul your entire diet, but that’s not always necessary. Instead, take a look now. #Weightloss #Metabolism
Your metabolism is what converts the food you eat into energy that your body can use. It even does this while you sleep. So keeping your metabolism running efficiently is essential, particularly as you age. If you have found your metabolism to be slowing down, here are seven secret tips from the experts on how to get it running optimally again.

1. Watch your diet

Experts have weighed in on this topic, and what they have concluded after many studies is that your metabolism slows down when you cut calories. This might seem counter-productive if you are trying to lose weight, but if you remember to get regular exercise, it can negate that slowdown effect.

Gradual weight loss will keep your metabolism chugging along. If you are trying to lose weight, cut no more than 500 calories from your daily diet and be sure to work off the same amount of calories when you workout.

2. Stop stressing

If you have been stressed out about your job, your family, or any other factor in your life, you need to find a way to cope with the stress positively. Research has shown that when you are completely stressed out, your metabolism can’t deal.

At a study conducted by Ohio State University, women that were stressed to the max burned less calories after eating a high-fat meal when pressed with stress the day prior to eating that meal. Too much stress could cause you to add 11 pounds a year. Eek.

3. Go fast

While experts shun most cleanses and other trendy diets of starvation, new research seems to show that fasting in a certain way might actually help. Alternate-day fasting allows one to eat without any restrictions on one day and then on the next day, only allows one to eat 500 calories. This method triggers weight loss without slowing up your metabolism.

4. Pump some iron

Lifting weights is one of the best ways to rev up your metabolism. Most people are aware of the benefits of strength training, however a newer research has shown that when lifting weights, one of the best things you can do is go slowly instead of fast. By resting for several minutes between sets, you’re helping to promote the growth of muscles.

5. Eat protein properly

Protein is fuel for muscle growth. However, you need to split up the amount of it you consume evenly throughout your day. Your body can only handle roughly 4 to 6 ounces of protein at once. Eating more than that during a meal will cause it to be stored as fat.

6. Employ calorie blasters throughout the day

There are many other little things you can do during your day that will make a difference, like exercising in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking more water, adding small bursts of activity to your day such as a walk on your lunch break, and sleeping in colder temperatures can all contribute to a speedier metabolism.

7. Health problems can cause metabolism issues

Certain health issues like thyroid disorders, prediabetes, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and polycystic ovary syndrome are just some of the ones that can turn your metabolism upside down. If you have any of these health problems, discuss your options with your doctor.

By working these tips into your day, you will soon start to feel your metabolism working more efficiently and quickly for you. And when that happens, you will be able to achieve the goals you have been dreaming about.

14 Top Tips For Healthy Eating!

Posted by szvetecska nándor – Eating a #diet of #healthy foods doesn’t need to be confusing or difficult. Use the 14 helpful tips in this #infographic to keep you informed and on track with good #nutrition. @kimzajan @auntjlr @futurederm @ryliemartin

10 Of The Worst “Healthy” Foods You Should Avoid No Matter What

Posted by FSPHealthandFit – Don’t let #fitnessfoods fool you into #overeating #weightloss #weightlosstips #WeightLoss