
Power Ups: Superfoods!

Posted by Standout Health – Check out the “7 Superb Superfoods to Power Up Your Life” info graphic discover the secrets to a more healthy life. #Diet #Nutritin #weightloss
You are going to discover this revolutionary ancient tea recipe today

Superfoods are foods that are high in nutrie

nts and health-giving properties.
Eating a diet rich in superfoods should help to control weight, curb hunger pangs and cravings, protect from diseases and boost the immune system.
But knowing what to eat and how to eat it can be confusing. Getting the most out of superfoods means a wide variety of fruit and vegetables in rich colours, as well as lean meats and oily fish.
Here is our top 10 must-have superfoods:

1. Almonds: Packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibre. Almonds make a great addition to any salad or dessert. Almond milk is also a nutritious dairy-free alternative to cow’s milk.
2. Bananas: Rich in potassium, fibre, vitamin B6, magnesium and manganese, they strengthen the immune system as they contain cytolcin which is believed to increase white blood cells. Bananas give a natural energy boost and help to reduce stress levels because of their tryptophan content, a chemical that converts to the feel-good hormone serotonin.
3. Butternut squash: The deep yellow colour means it’s high in beta carotene, which helps to protect against skin cancer.
4. Chia seeds: The richest source of plant-based omega 3 fatty acids, loaded with antioxidants, high in protein, minerals and fibre. Chia seeds swell to more than five times their weight in liquid, so they’ll help make you feel quicker, and can help with weight loss.
5. Chocolate/raw cacao: Dairy-free 70 percent cocoa or higher elevates your mood, improves your blood flow and can lower blood pressure. It helps reduce inflammation and bad cholesterol and contains heaps of antioxidants.
Raw cacao is even better as none of the nutrients are lost in heat treatment, so make up your own raw chocolates instead. Raw cacao contains more antioxidants than acai, goji or blueberries.

6. Cinnamon: Stabilises blood sugar levels and encourages blood flow through the body.
7. Coconut oil: Quickly and easily absorbed by the body, so it’s an easy source of energy that may help you burn more fat. It helps to protect against heart disease and slightly lowers cholesterol.
It is excellent for cooking as it does not form harmful trans fats when heated, even at high temperatures. Use in place of butter and oil in cooking. A small pinch of salt can be added to savoury recipes to reduce the coconut flavour.
8. Cumin: Contains anti-inflammatory properties and also helps reduce bloating.

9. Greek yoghurt: An excellent source of calcium, potassium,protein, zinc and vitamins B6 and B12. Contains probiotic cultures and is lower in lactose than regular yoghurt, but with twice the amount of protein. Eat with fresh berries instead of shop-bought fruit yoghurt, which can be high in sugar.

10. Hemp: A good source of protein, especially relevant to vegans. Contains omega-3 and 6 fatty acids and is thought to be energy boosting.

10 Metabolism Secrets! We Love #5!

Posted by Karen Coon – When you think of weight loss you probably envision having to overhaul your entire diet, but that’s not always necessary. Instead, take a look now. #Weightloss #Metabolism
Your metabolism is what converts the food you eat into energy that your body can use. It even does this while you sleep. So keeping your metabolism running efficiently is essential, particularly as you age. If you have found your metabolism to be slowing down, here are seven secret tips from the experts on how to get it running optimally again.

1. Watch your diet

Experts have weighed in on this topic, and what they have concluded after many studies is that your metabolism slows down when you cut calories. This might seem counter-productive if you are trying to lose weight, but if you remember to get regular exercise, it can negate that slowdown effect.

Gradual weight loss will keep your metabolism chugging along. If you are trying to lose weight, cut no more than 500 calories from your daily diet and be sure to work off the same amount of calories when you workout.

2. Stop stressing

If you have been stressed out about your job, your family, or any other factor in your life, you need to find a way to cope with the stress positively. Research has shown that when you are completely stressed out, your metabolism can’t deal.

At a study conducted by Ohio State University, women that were stressed to the max burned less calories after eating a high-fat meal when pressed with stress the day prior to eating that meal. Too much stress could cause you to add 11 pounds a year. Eek.

3. Go fast

While experts shun most cleanses and other trendy diets of starvation, new research seems to show that fasting in a certain way might actually help. Alternate-day fasting allows one to eat without any restrictions on one day and then on the next day, only allows one to eat 500 calories. This method triggers weight loss without slowing up your metabolism.

4. Pump some iron

Lifting weights is one of the best ways to rev up your metabolism. Most people are aware of the benefits of strength training, however a newer research has shown that when lifting weights, one of the best things you can do is go slowly instead of fast. By resting for several minutes between sets, you’re helping to promote the growth of muscles.

5. Eat protein properly

Protein is fuel for muscle growth. However, you need to split up the amount of it you consume evenly throughout your day. Your body can only handle roughly 4 to 6 ounces of protein at once. Eating more than that during a meal will cause it to be stored as fat.

6. Employ calorie blasters throughout the day

There are many other little things you can do during your day that will make a difference, like exercising in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking more water, adding small bursts of activity to your day such as a walk on your lunch break, and sleeping in colder temperatures can all contribute to a speedier metabolism.

7. Health problems can cause metabolism issues

Certain health issues like thyroid disorders, prediabetes, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and polycystic ovary syndrome are just some of the ones that can turn your metabolism upside down. If you have any of these health problems, discuss your options with your doctor.

By working these tips into your day, you will soon start to feel your metabolism working more efficiently and quickly for you. And when that happens, you will be able to achieve the goals you have been dreaming about.

13 Steps To Perfect Paleo!

Posted by Erin Herner – Paleo Diet

I recently read a “30 Tips” post on Rubies and Radishes that had some great suggestions to make eating Paleo easier.*

But… compulsive editor that I am, I edited it down to what I thought were the best tips for eating Paleo, and add a few helpful items and notes of my own. Here you go!

• When you’re just starting, plan out meals and snacks several days in advance. This keeps you from caving in on busy days. Once you get the hang of cooking and eating Paleo, it will be easier to throw together meals from your well-stocked kitchen.

• If planning all your meals seems overwhelming, try it in phases. Most people don’t need a lot of variety in breakfast, so find one or two Paleo-friendly breakfasts that work for you and get those nailed down. Then find a few lunches that work for you.  Then move on to planning dinners.

• Cook meat in bulk; save in easy-to-thaw portions in the freezer. Hamburger, pulled pork, chicken, and your favorite kinds of sausage are all handy to have ready to deploy. You can also cook bacon in big batches and keep it in the fridge. Have you tried cooking it in the oven?

• Dedicate time to prep ingredients every week. Or, if it works better for you, every evening after dinner, prep what you’ll need for tomorrow’s meal(s). Thaw anything that’s frozen. Chop up ingredients. Pre-mix seasonings or sauces.

• Paleo eating and meal planning takes time to adjust to. Give yourself time and grace. Keep at it — it will get easier! It’s only hard until it’s routine.

• Read labels. Learn to recognize sugar in all its disguises. Yeah, it’s overwhelming and kind of depressing at first, but it’s a necessary education.

•  Don’t spend too much time trying to figure out how to substitute or recreate the non-Paleo food you once ate. Instead of mourning the loss of food that makes you feel yucky, celebrate new food discoveries that make you feel great! As you stick with this, your taste buds will change and junk food will become less and less appealing.

•  Explore Paleo blogs and books. The more Paleo knowledge you have, the easier it is to stick with your new lifestyle!

•  When you make dinner, make extra. Enjoy it for breakfast (yes, you can!) or lunch the next day, or pack it in the freezer for an easy future meal.

•  One of the hardest things about eating Paleo is the social pressure to eat junk. Always have a plan before going to social gatherings. And focus on how that food is going to make you feel tomorrow! Tell yourself, “When I eat crap, I feel like crap.”

•  Eat a satisfying meal before you go to parties so you won’t be tempted by unhealthy choices. Drink plenty of water while you’re there. Focus on enjoying the people, not the food.

•  If it’s a pot luck, bring your own Paleo dish (or two), because that might be your only healthy choice!

•  Likewise, have a plan for how you’ll eat when meeting friends at restaurants.

•  Remember to get the sleep you need every night, and drink plenty of water. And several times a week, if not every day, try to get a little sunshine and gentle exercise.

These 13 Foods That Make You Happy!

Posted by Nadine Lourens – Need a #moodboost? C/O these 13 foods that make you happy! Add Karma Wellness Water SPIRIT to the list! #Weightloss

249 Foods To Lose Weight Faster

Posted by Victory Ink – 249 weight loss foods you should eat 80% of the time to lose weight faster #Weightloss

Good News About Cancer!

Posted by Kate Oakwood – Molly – The colors are cool, and I really like the font. It can easily grab your attention and keep you reading with all of the interesting facts that it includes. #Cancer #Prevention
Within the unseen sphere of medical science (that is, the world of bench research), we find that cures and prevention of a number of common cancers already exist — even for advanced metastatic (spreading) cancers.
Medical oncologists are trained to juggle chemotherapy agents and use radiation, yet they have little interest in medical knowledge outside of these areas. Most orthodox medical journals admit that for major cancers, these traditional treatments have been failures, because their widespread use hasn’t changed mortality rates.
However, buried in hundreds of medical research journals are studies that have demonstrated the ability of natural compounds to prevent cancer and even cure many advanced cancers. For example, studies are finding that vitamin D3, in high doses, can kill breast cancers, prostate cancers, leukemia, lymphomas, brain tumors, and lung cancers — and it’s even more powerful as a preventive therapy.
One of the most horrifying, and unfortunately one of the most common, tumors in neurosurgery is the glioblastoma multiforme. This highly malignant brain tumor affects the glial cells — the non-nerve cells of the brain. Most who are diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme will die within 18 months.
After 40 years of attempting to treat this nasty tumor with every conceivable traditional therapy, death rates have not budged. However, current research reports that this tumor can be killed or controlled with high-dose vitamin D3, along with plant flavonoids (curcumin, quercetin) and adhering to a ketogenic (high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate) diet. 

These natural treatments are nontoxic, have few side effects, and have been shown to greatly enhance the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments.
For example, the following natural substances have all been shown to make cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy and radiation:
• Curcumin
• Quercetin
• Ellagic acid
• Green tea polyphenols
• Resveratrol
• DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)
At the same time, these natural therapies protect normal cells that surround the cancer, and shield the rest of the body from damage caused by the conventional treatments. This is especially important with the discovery that many chemotherapy agents damage the brain, particularly the parts that control learning, memory, and behavior.

Tips For Keeping Your Eyes Healthy!

Posted by mwadelewis – Tips for Keeping Your Eyes Healthy #infographic #eyes #health #vision


Your mother’s advice that carrots can help you see in the dark may have been more than a ploy to get you to eat vegetables.Research has now proved that eating certain foods can improve your eyesight, reverse the signs of optical ageing and keep your eyes in good health.

One of the most common causes of poor sight is a condition called macular degeneration. This condition accounts for 50 per cent of all blindness and sight problems in the UK.

Imagine that your eye is like a camera. There is a lens and an opening at the front that focuses objects onto the retina at the back of your eye. The macula lies in the centre of the retina, which is sensitive to light.

Sometimes the cells of the macula become damaged and you lose the ability to appreciate colours or focus on detailed activities like reading. The condition rarely causes total blindness but can blur your central vision and sometimes make you sensitive to light.

It normally affects those over 60 years old, earning the name age related macular degeneration (ARMD), but a genetic form of the condition can also affect children and young people.

Doctors do not know exactly why the cells of the macular start to fail. One theory is that ARMD is triggered by free-radicals, harmful chemicals that your body picks up from sunlight, the atmosphere and cigarette smoke.

But there are some steps you can take to protect your eyes for the future. Follow our guide to eating your way to better eyesight.

Eat your greens

A recent study by the Florida International University found that eyes containing higher amounts of a nutrient called lutein were up to 80 per cent less likely to be suffering from ARMD.

Lutein protects the eye by forming pigments in the macula. The pigments help with vision by filtering out harmful blue light wavelengths that can damage the eye. The more pigments your eye contains, the less likely it is to fall prey to ARMD.

The Eyecare Trust, a national charity devoted to raising awareness of eye health, says, ‘There is increasing evidence to show that eating vegetables containing lutein is crucial to maintaining pigment density levels in the macula.’ Unfortunately lutein is not generated naturally by the body so you need to make sure you are getting enough from other sources.

These are mainly green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli and kale. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating a teaspoon of green leafy veggies with a small amount of fat raised blood lutein levels by nearly 90 per cent.

You need to eat lutein-rich vegetables for several months before seeing any benefits. But if you get bored of eating spinach, you can take a vitamin supplement to boost your lutein levels. These are available from all major health food stores.

A study published in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science discovered that volunteers taking 10 mg of natural lutein supplements every day for 12 weeks significantly increased the amount of macular pigment in their eyes.

Start crunching on carrots

It is true – eating carrots can help you see in the dark. The essential nutrient responsible is carotene which is turned into vitamin A by the liver.

Vitamin A protects the eyes by helping to absorb the light energy that passes into the eye. Increased levels of vitamin A means

your eyes can absorb more energy and become more sensitive in dim light, helping you see more effectively.Karen Sparrow, spokeswoman for opticians Vision Express, says, ‘Children that are deficient in vitamin A often have dry eyes and in extreme cases can suffer from night ‘blindness’ where they have trouble seeing in the dark.’

Good sources of carotene are carrots, mangoes and cabbage. You can also find it in cod liver oil, milk and eggs.

Another fruit famed for its ability to boost night vision is blueberries. Anecdotal evidence from RAF pilots in World War Two shows they felt their night vision improved after eating blueberries.

The ‘magic’ ingredient in blueberries is a group of compounds called anthocyanosides. These attach to the area of the retina that is responsible for adjusting the eye to see in the dark.

You will need to eat blueberries for more than two months before starting to notice any effects. If they are difficult to get hold of, you can take them in capsule form or tablets, available from good health food shops. Aim to take up to 600 mg every day.

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